Thursday 22 April 2010

In response to Sangeetha's blog about stalking..

Yes it is weird that some people choose to stalk! In most cases there is some sort of abnormal mental issue surrounding the stalker. All stalkers are obsessional, they often create a schema about their victims for what can be years. But not all stalkers fit the criteria for serious psychological disorders.

Though for those that do have a mental disorder, it can be the catalyst for their stalking. Diagnosis can range from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder to a delusional disorder. It's often noted that the victim is usually someone with a higher socio-econonmical status than the stalker, which is why celebrities often fall victim to the stalker as their life is usually presented over the media for the world to see and for some.. want to get involved with.

I good website I found on stalking- (search stalking)

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