Thursday 22 April 2010

Im no superwoman!

When reading through stories and myths, most if not all have some kind of underlying message about good and bad. The heroe and the villian. But when taking a closer analysis at the heroe, are they not applying bad behaviour to beat the villian, yet they are still seen in the positive light?

When watching films like Batman or Robin Hood, they are usually using violent methods to reach the villian. So what is the seperation between the two?

The villians are usually commiting the offence for selfish reasons, whereas the heroe is acting to stop the villian for the general publics safety. But does that mean that the individual has any right to stop them? Robin Hood's aim was to steal from the rich and give to the poor! And stealing is bad! Yet Robin Hood is viewed as the good guy.. fox.. thing.

It seems that the general view on heroes is that they are commiting a selfless act to the general public, often risking their own safety for others.. which if you put it like that.. you can see why they are not seen as being bad at all!

If you want to be a superheroe-

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