Wednesday 5 May 2010

My swear jar is full...

Is swearing bad?! My brother often gets told off for flippantly saying 'fuck' or 'shit' but in context can it really be seen as such a bad thing? If I broke my arm falling out of the tree screaming foul thing's is it more understandable? Obviously there is a time and place to swear, afterall.. thats why swearing can't be heard on tv till after 9! Yet sexual activity such a kissing, rubbing or suggestive actions can be shown. Is that fair?

I agree that swearing shouldnt be heard till after 9 on tv but swearing is ok in certain context. For me there is nothing worse than listening to someone swearing after each word.

There are also levels of swearing, some words are worse than others.. WHY? If they all define negative things why are there differences?

Learn how to swear in any language:

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