Sunday 28 February 2010

Week 12 Field Trip suggestion...

I believe Camden in London would be an excellent place to visit for the field trip in week 12. Not only would transport be easily accessible from Wolverhamton, Camden would offer a fun day out. When brain storming what sort of trip would connect to the topic of 'being bad', I addressed the behaviour which we discussed in the first lecture. Camden covers alot of behaviours which can be seen as disgusting such as immoral behaviour like swearing, blasphemy, smoking, tattoos, drugs, sex and rock n' roll. Although most places can cover those behaviours, I think Camden would demonstrate it in a more obvious way, the controversial culture of Camden screams out to me 'being bad'. The alternative dress sense and line of market stools and pubs would offer really offer a great day out and I am certain it would bring out the dark side in us!


  1. We need to go. Purely for the Dr. Martens shop to be honest.

  2. I agree, although i didnt mention that in the blog! However we could connect the Dr. Martens shop to the style of the Punks, which we all know were not exactly a bunch of 'goody two shoes'
